Marc Emery – Prince of Pot

19 10 2009

Here’s a piece I found on Marc Emery on U.S TV – it includes an interview with his wife Jodie Emery and is well worth a watch!

Marc is one of the figureheads of the cannabis legalization movement and his treatment by U.S and Canandian prosecutors who circumvented normal procedure to extradite him from Canada is both contradictory and illegal in our eyes.  Further information can be found at




2 responses

19 10 2009

This is just sad. Instead of focusing the attention on gangs whose trafficking of cannabis and other drugs is steeped in violence, we’re making a martyr out of an intelligent man with a genuine mission of activism. It makes no sense.

27 10 2009

It makes perfect sense. He was put away so he wouldn’t upset the status quo.

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