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Posts Tagged ‘cannabis’

Hash Plant

hash plantThis precious Afghani is descended from one of the finest hash-making cultivars ever brought from the Hindu Kush to the west. Cannabis strains known generally as hash plants are found throughout the countries that border these mountains, but very few have the pedigree of this Hash Plant – a living definition of the stocky, chunky, beautifully sticky Afghanica genotype. The direct ancestor of Hash Plant was developed in the Northwest USA and came to Holland as a few carefully-transported female cuttings. Upon arrival, the tiny, fragile Hash Plant clones were given a safe home in the Sensi Seed Bank breeding labs, where this outstanding cultivar quickly proved her worth, becoming an important building-block in several other Sensi hybrids.
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Hindu Kush

hindu kushThe original genes of this strain come from the Hindu Kush valley a mountainous area.
The seeds were brought in the 1980s and crossbred with several varieties to create this lovely Indian type.
This strain smells lovely the leaves are big and dark green.
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hazeThe original sativa from jamaica with a light Skunk crossing.
Bushy tall plant with leggy stems and log gold tinged buds with narrow leaves.
The THC ratio of sativas is always high so the buds might be small but they are very potent.
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Hawaii Skunk

hawaii skunkOriginal Hawaiian strain crossed with Skunk#1 gives a plant which is short and sturdy. It will have very dense buds with wonderful red/orange pistols. The skunk smell is still there in abundance. A must for novelty lover,smoke it close your eyes and hear the waves brake on waikiki beach!
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2319This big, beautiful strain was developed and tested in northern Spain over several years. A handful of seeds from the best season made the journey from Spain to Holland, brought to Sensi as a ‘thank you’ from one of our thoughtful customers. Guerrilla’s Gusto started out as an unusual combination of radically different Indian strains from the north and south ends of the subcontinent. North Indian cannabis is classic Indica, while the less famous strains from the south are distinctly tropical with strong Sativa qualities.
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Ganeshas Dream

ganeshas dreamGaneshas Dream Marihuana Seeds An excellent mix of Northern Light mixed with Shiva Shanti.
Ganeshas Dream is light green and stronger than the original Northern light.
Shes a short bushy plant that grows well on bio soil.
An extremely sweet smell.
A bit stronger smoke when compared to Northern light and has a stronger high.
Number one of its kind and is well suited for indoor cultivation.
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Four way

Four wayThis strain is an early success from programs to create stable, multiple-hybrid cannabis. Starting in the Eighties, intensive breeding projects worked with highly varied and complex gene pools which ‘stacked’ desirable features from a wide range of parents and ancestors to produce hybrids which could consistently express those traits in interesting combinations.
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Fruity Juice

fruity juiceAs definitive examples of the Sativa and Indica genotypes, prized cultivars from Thailand and Afghanistan represent opposite ends of the psychoactive cannabis spectrum. Attaining the perfect balance between pure Afghani Indica and pure Thai Sativa was a goal that took a very long time to achieve, even by the extra-patient standards of cannabis breeders. The unpredictable nature of the first experimental Thai-Afghani crossings listed in early seed catalogues made them difficult to work with. Identifying the ideal combination of parent-plants required generations of testing, selection and examination of thousands of seed offspring. It took until 1995 to isolate the two very special individuals which would consistently produce the fusion of Indica and Sativa qualities we had in mind.
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First lady

First ladyFirst Lady is a pure Afghani seed-strain offering the uniformity and rich flavour of old-time cultivars backed up with the vigour and punch of modern hybrid cannabis. This strain’s direct ancestors originate in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the high-altitude passes and lower steppes of the Hindu Kush, between Chitral and Kandahar.
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First Girl

first-girlFirst girl is well suited for people with less patiance because it will finish early in the growing season.
When growing outside this is important.
The plant is very hardy and disease resistant as well.
It will grow a lot in the difficult first part of the season.
Buds are large with lots of THC crystals.
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