Posts Tagged ‘cannabis’
New Super Silver Haze
New Super Silver Haze – Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Announces New and Improved Genetics.
From Weedypedia, the free minded encyclopedia
Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon where THC dust, marijauna smoke and other dry marijuana particles obscure the clarity of the sky. The WMO manual of codes includes a classification of horizontal obscuration into categories of fog, ice fog, steam fog, mist, haze, smoke, volcanic ash, dust, sand and snow. 1 Sources for haze particles include marijuana farming ploughing in dry weather, marijuana traffic, marijuan industry, marijuana forest fires and marijuana field fire. Seen from afar e.g. approaching airplane, haze appears brownish, while mist is bluish-grey. Whereas haze formation is a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of humid air. However, haze particles may act as condensation nuclei for later mist droplet formation.
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Master Kush
An Indian-Afghani hybrid created from two true-breeding Indica seed lines that were collected in different parts of the Hindu-Kush.
The cannabis from this area has always been valued for its resin production and Master Kush retains this quality, as well as the vintage flavour of her parents earthy and pungent, with a hint of incense.
The taste of Master Kush will remind many smokers of hand-rubbed charas hashish. This is no surprise, as Kush weed is a major source of charas. A plant of great physical power, without the mind-numbing ’stoney’ effect of many Indica strains.
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According to weed folklore, the original G13 cutting was rescued from a government research facility by an unknown technician. The word of her liberation spread quickly amongst civilian cannabis-lovers – simply as an inspiring story, initially. However, as that single clone produced further cuttings, which became mother plants and eventually whole flowering crops, smokers were able to sample the earth-shaking Indica potency of the genuine article and G13 rapidly attained the status of living legend.
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Mother’s Finest
Another incredible hybrid with roots in the Jack Herer breeding program, this next-generation Sativa is one of Sensi’s more recent creations. Upon release, Mother’s Finest was an instant hit, winning first place for Sativa at the 2002 Cannabis Cup just a few months later. Mother’s Finest is more a Hazey offshoot of the Herer line than a direct Jack-descendant. However, just like Jack Flash, Mother’s Finest is best understood as a purposeful fine-tuning of Jack Herer’s multi-faceted gene pool.
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Marley’s Collie
Mrs. Rita Marley was the guest of honour at the 1997 Cannabis Cup. Her presence lifted the normally high spirits of the festival to a new level and inspired Sensi to start work on something truly special – a strain of ganja to celebrate the great Bob Marley.
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Mexican Sativa
Mexico has a long and important cannabis tradition. The country that coined the term ‘marijuana’ is home to some wonderful varieties of cannabis which are rarely seen outside her borders.
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Loaded with crystals.
Looks like White Widow but produces denser buds.
Misty is a strong flavored plant that remains short and bushy and is very resinous with a family relationship of
White Widow and Snow White.
Misty yields a powerful relatively light smoke great for sharing extraordinary taste and its easy to grow.
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Medijuana 100% all natural pain relief.
The most powerful medical marijuana seed strain world wide.
This overwhelming indica has several fine qualities, making her very popular among medical marijuana users. Because of the high percentage of THC and the narcotic effect this strain is highly reccomended as a medicinal herb. The flowers are covered with sweet sticky resin and spread an stunning odor. The plants grow fast and makes many branches with golf-ball-like, rock hard buds. Medijuana is excellent for scrog-growing a.k.a. screen of green.
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Master Kush x Northern Light
Another very nice strain. The Master Kush adds its unique pungency to the Northern Lights 5 in this F-1 hybrid producing a short stocky plant packed with great tasting buds. High calyx-to-leaf ratio means the Super Kush buds are solid loaded with tricho-mes and easy to manicure. Excellent hybrid vigor makes this an easy to grow variety well suited to beginners and seasoned growers alike.
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Master Kush
An F1 cross between two different Hindu Kush strains. Yield is high. Excellent taste and strong high. Winner of cannabis cup 2005 2006. This is a strong plant for almost all climates. Only the real cool countries out will have a second guess. This plant has maintained a high quality and a good quantity with a great taste. It is popular amongst Indica growers.
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